Open Monday


The dancers of Hiatus all have their favorite physical practices. Movement exercises, explorations and investigations of composition, the body, a group or a theme and how they are connected with the each other and the world around us. During Open Monday, Hiatus invites participants to the dance studio to actively experience them.

In every session, two dancers share some of their physical practices. The aim is not so much to produce or learn a choreography, but to enrich and nourish ourselves and one another. It is a moment to share an experience, to connect and discover.

Open Monday is an invitation to start our week from a place of curiosity and generosity.

Something for me?

  • Anyone can participate, as long as you are curious and enjoy exploring movement. Whether you have danced before or not, whether you are an artist, an amateur or a professional dancer, whatever your physical abilities are, you are very welcome to join. The main language of the session is English but we keep instructions simple and help translating.

    Pay what you can
  • We believe that everyone should have access, also regardless of financial capabilities. If you’re able to contribute 5 or 10 euro we are very grateful for your support, but it’s completely up to you. You can also participate for free. Your presence is what matters most!
  • Your support helps us continue to offer an Open Monday to everyone. Every contribution helps us to maintain our fair pay policy for the wonderful dancers leading the sessions and to cover the cost of the studio.

  • When and where?

We invite you every last Monday of the month from 18h30 till 20h30 in our dance studio in Brussels. In February we are guests at Danscentrum Jette and we occasionally organise an outdoor session. If you are curious, you can participate, with plenty or little dance experience. Explore new dance exercises and share your passion for movement in these inclusive workshops.

Click here to register



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