Not About Everything (2007)

A single body enters the space and begins to turn. The turning begins gently, but it gradually transforms into an insane gyratory motion. Within the singularity of his obsessive circular motion, performer Daniel Linehan introduces a series of variations, accelerations, and subtle shifts, creating a funny and complex dance. He subjects himself to strenuous physical and mental processes involving multiple simultaneous tasks: to speak, think, react, address the audience, etc., without ceasing his perpetual spinning. Linehan tells us that he is not speaking about desperation, endurance, or government policy; he is not speaking about celebrities, virtuosity, or metaphysical problems. Yet even though his words seem to negate, he calls to our attention these issues that evoke a world far larger than his contained little circle. Endlessly spinning around in the center of a shifting network of ideas, Daniel Linehan creates an inverted black hole, a space of disorienting vertigo perhaps, but also a space of thoughtful reflection where all of these ideas can flow and resound.


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Creation, Performance Daniel Linehan
Original lighting Joe Levasseur
Dramaturgy Juliette Mapp

Created trough the Bessie Schönberg/First Light Commissioning Program and Creative Residency Program of Dance Theater Workshop
With the support of the Jerome Foundation (St. Paul, MN, US), the Ford Foundation (New York, US), the National Endowment for the Arts (a US federal agency), the New York State Council of the Arts, and the Jerome Robbins Foundation (New York, US)
Made possible through the Movement Research Artist Residency Project, funded in part by the Leonard and Sophie Davis Fund (Philadelphia, PA, US)

Daniel Linehan/Hiatus is supported by the Flemish authorities

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